My Very First Review
My very first review was published in this month’s Ottawa Review of Books.
Here it is:
The best thing about this review, written by Jerry Levy, is that the reviewer really gets what I was trying to do:
“It is also storytelling with a heart (the author’s deep respect, love, and empathy for all living things, no matter how creepy they may be, is prevalent throughout), and with a message – while not in the least preachy, it chronicles man’s devastation of our planet (climate change, overfishing, poaching) and the terrible consequences, not only for man himself but also for animals. Quoting John Muir, the 19th-century Scottish-American naturalist and environmentalist, Otterson adopts the same philosophical outlook: ‘Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.’”
And, Nels’ “charming illustrations” are noted!
“Added to the fun are charming illustrations of many creatures, cryptid and non-cryptid alike, scattered amongst the pages. They’re not exact replications (they obviously couldn’t be because although we have ideas, we don’t for certain know what, say, a sasquatch looks like up-close), but good enough to spark one’s imagination.”
I actually met Jerry at Guernica’s book launch event in Toronto, and he mentioned that the review would be forthcoming, but he wouldn’t say if it was a good one. In fact, Laurie and I were just a bit concerned because he kept avoiding that question! It’s a lovely and gratifying review, however—thanks, Jerry!
Timm and Nels Otterson at Alice, Ever After Books in Buffalo, NY.